
I am looking tire for:

You can read off the tire size on the sidewall of the tires or read the operating instructions for your vehicle.



Here Is What You Need To Check In Your Car Before Leaving For A Road Trip

We could all use a good getaway every once in a while. Regardless of what occupation you belong to, following the same routine day in and day out could make you feel monotonous and take a toll on your mental health. When that happens, you definitely need to take a break and unwind or it would do more than just effect your productivity at work. What better way to escape your routine than a road trip with your loved ones?

So, you have planned the perfect road trip with your family and friends, who are all excited about hitting the road and reaching the destination. The last thing you want is for your car to break down along the way leaving you stranded in the middle of nowhere with no settlements nearby to seek help from.

Unless you fancy becoming a horror movie cliché, here is a list of the maintenance tasks that you need to perform before leaving for a long road trip. 

Check Fluids 

Check Fluids

Fluids are literally what prevent your car engine from a complete seizure or encountering other critical issues like brakes failure and a jammed steering wheel. While they work as the lifeblood for a car, there is no specific time period after which you need to change your car fluids. It mostly boils down to how far have you have driven since your last service and how many miles do you plan on covering on your trip.

First thing is first, check your engine oil. Ever seen two metallic components rapidly rub against each other? They heat up quickly, wear off and can even break instantly. That’s exactly what low lubrication does to components like pistons, crankshaft and camshaft. Check your manual to see what is says about oil change intervals and be sure to change it before going on a road trip if it’s required.

Secondly, your car generates a lot of heat under the hood each time you drive and if it is not contained and your engine is not cooled down then it would result in the overheating of the vehicle which could lead to a number of other severe engine problems. Make sure your radiator has the required amount of fluids or coolant to extract the engine heat and disperse it through the radiator.

Another container that needs checking is your coolant reservoir which is usually located at the front of the engine compartment under the hood. See if the coolant in the container reaches the full mark, if not, top it off. The lack of coolant can cause your engine to overheat so unless you have got an expensive trip to the mechanic planned, keep your coolant reservoir filled to the mark. While you are at it, don’t forget to check if the coolant level fell down due to a leakage in the container. If that’s the case, take it to a mechanic for an easy fix or a replacement.

You may also want to check your brake, steering and transmission fluids to ensure a safe journey so your leisure trip doesn’t turn into a nightmare. 

Car Tires

Car Tires

Your car tyres do more than just roll under the vehicle, they are paramount to safety, comfort and fuel efficiency. From air pressure to the tyres’ exterior condition, you need to inspect your car tires to see if they can bear a long journey ahead. Car tires in Egypt don’t exactly come cheap but traveling with worn out or damaged tires means a puncture is the least of your worries. A tyre that has completed its lifespan could blow out at any moment and a sudden blowout at high speed could make you lose control over your vehicle resulting into an accident.

Apart from the overall condition you also need to check the tyre pressure because a low pressure would tank your fuel average and damage your car tyre faster. Look for the recommended air pressure in your vehicle’s manual because over inflation could also lead to a myriad of problems on the road.

General Inspection

Car General Inspection

You don’t exactly have to be a mechanic to do a general inspection of your own vehicle, a few drives within the city can help you figure the issues like lose brakes, low headlights and a bad suspension. Don’t overlook the small issues and risk going on a long journey with them because you never know what they could lead to.